New addition to the Migration Law Series

It gives us great pleasure to introduce our Migration Law Series with a new addition. This latest publication, written by Yasmina Yatti, a former student from our IMRL Master’s program, examines crucial issues at the intersection of disability and asylum law in the Netherlands.


*Issue no. 25: “Handicap en de Asielprocedure: Onzichtbaarheid, Onduidelijkheid en Ontoegankelijkheid”*


Yasmina Yatti’s master’s thesis, the 25th issue in our Migration Law Series, is titled ““Handicap en de Asielprocedure: Onzichtbaarheid, Onduidelijkheid en Ontoegankelijkheid.” This profoundly paper sheds light on the problems that asylum seekers with disabilities have to go through in order to successfully navigate the Dutch asylum procedure. Yasmina’s research brings to light the considerable obstacles that are there, based on three major points: invisibility, ambiguity, and inaccessibility.

Her thesis examines the ways in which these barriers undermine the rights of asylum seekers with disabilities and make it harder for them to access fair treatment in the asylum process. By analysing both the legal framework and the practical realities, Yasmina offers insightful recommendations for improving the system to ensure that it meets the needs of all individuals, regardless of their physical or mental condition. It has particular relevance at a time of growing awareness of the need for inclusive policies that protect the most vulnerable.

You can access the full PDF version of Yasmina Yatti’s thesis here.

The ACMRL’s Migration Law Series continues to publish works that bring valuable perspectives to the field of migration law. These publications are freely available in PDF format on our website and aim to stimulate dialogue between academics, policy makers and practitioners.