Keynote Speaker:
Day 1: Monday 17 June
19.00-22:00: Opening Roundtable Sessions
- Location: Pakhuis de Zwijger, Piet Heinkade 179, 1019 HC Amsterdam
Day 2: Tuesday 18 June
Location: Vrije Universiteit, NU Building
8.30-9.00: Registration and Coffee
Location: Global Migration Café
9.00-10.30: Preliminary Remarks
Location: Theatre 3
- Keynote: Dr. Alan Desmond
Coffee break (15 min)
Location: Global Migration Café
10.45-12.15: Round 1 (Session 1-4)
- Session 1: Panel – Migration Status Precarity: The Power and Limits of Regularization (Location: NU-Building, 5A-27)
- Session 2: Workshop- ASYLEX/CILD, Complementary protection mechanisms: successes and challenges of collaboratively using diverse international human rights (Location: NU-Building, 6A-52)
- Session 3: Panel – Invisible, undervalued and un(der)protected: reflecting on worker rights for (undocumented) migrants working in (platformized) paid domestic work in the UK (Location: NU-Building, 6A-45)
- Session 4: Panel – Legal Limitations on Access to Socio-Economic Rights (Location: NU-Building, 4B-17)
Lunch break (60 min)
Location: Global Migration Café
13.15-14.45: Round 2 (Session 5-8)
- Session 5: Panel – Making Access to Socio-economic Rights (Location: NU-Building, 5A-47)
- Session 6: Workshop – 2022 – 2024: The road toward (HUSHU House, the outcome of a dynamic cooperation of grassroots organizations, NGOs, and the municipality (Location: NU-Building, 4A-54)
- Session 7: Panel – New Perspectives on Existing Rights Systems (Location: NU-Building, 4A-45)
- Session 8: Panel – Collective Organizing (Location: NU-Building, 2B-18)
Refreshment break (30 min)
Location: Global Migration Café
15.15-16.45: Round 3 (Session 9-12)
- Session 9: Workshop – Integrating Indigenous Perspectives: An Intersectional Approach to Claiming Rights of Women Migrant Workers (Location: NU-Building, 4A-45)
- Session 10: Panel – Migration Status Possibilities (Location: NU-Building, 2B-18)
- Session 11: Panel – Advancing Complementary Implementation of Global Migration Law Instruments (Location: NU-Building, 5A-47)
- Session 12: Panel – Zero-sum game of economic migration: Reconceptualising ‘Integration through Rights’ for Undocumented and Precarious Migrant Workers (Location: NU-Building, 4A-54)
16.45-17.30: Drinks
Location: Theatre 3
- Synthesis of the Day: Mr. Edgar Corzo Sosa, Chair, UN Committee on Migrant Workers
17:45-21.00: Diner
- Location: Botanische Tuin Zuidas, Van der Boechorststraat 8, 1081 BT Amsterdam
Day 3: Wednesday 19 June
Location: Vrije Universiteit, NU Building
9.00-10.30: Preliminary Remarks
Location: Theatre 3
- Keynote: Prof. Adelle Blackett, McGill University
Coffee break (15 min)
Location: Global Migration Café
10.45-12.15: Round 4 (Session 13-16)
- Session 13: FNV Migrant Domestic Workers Theatre Collective: Second-class Citizens in a Globalized World (Location: NU-Building, Theatre 3)
- Session 14: Panel – Business as usual? Employers’ part in protecting the human rights of migrant workers (Location: NU-Building, 6A-52)
- Session 15: Workshop – The Role of Municipalities in Making Rights a Reality (Location: NU-Building, 4B-17)
Lunch break (60 min)
Location: Global Migration Café
13.15-14.45: Round 5 (Session 17-20)
- Session 16: Workshop – Negotiating Tricky Situations in Paid Domestic Work (Location: NU-Building, 4A-54)
- Session 17: Panel – The impact of micro-social realities of labour migration for the construction of new international strategies of working together for NGOs (Location: NU-Building, 5A-47)
- Session 18: Presentation – Organizing MDWs Worldwide: Experiences in Asia, Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and North America (Location: NU-Building, 2B-18)
- Session 19: Panel – Civil Society in Labour Organizing (Location: NU-Building, 4A-45)
Refreshment break (30 min)
Location: Global Migration Café
15.15-16.45: Round 6 (Session 21-24)
- Session 20: Panel – Making Access to Healthcare (Location: NU-Building, 4A-45)
- Session 21: Panel – Intersecting Struggles, Intersecting Movements (Location: NU-Building, 4A-54)
- Session 22: Panel – Refusing Undocumented Migrant’s Labour Devaluation (Location: NU-Building, 2B-18)
- Session 23: Workshop – Worker-driven Social Responsibility: An Effective Mechanism for Protecting Migrant Workers’ Rights (Location: NU-Building, 5A-47)
All day: The Right to Create: Print Station
- Join local makers and get your message out! Bring an old t-shirt and the right to create team will help you put a message on it. This work shop will begin directly following Prof. Blackett’s Keynote.
16.45-17.30: Drinks and Final Remarks
Location: Global Migration Café/Theatre 3
Remark: a Global Migration Café will be open to allow participants to table their initiatives, experiences and/or share their research through posters and/or presentations.